[Logo] VW-Nachwuchsgruppe

"Spezielle Geometrien in der mathematischen Physik"

angesiedelt am Institut für Mathematik, Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Globale Analysis I (Prof. Thomas Friedrich)

Rudower Chausse 25, Z. 1.319 Postadresse: Sekretariat:
Tel. + (49) (30) 2093 - 1822 Institut für Mathematik Heike Pahlisch
FAX + (49) (30) 2093 - 1824 Unter den Linden 6Tel. + (49) (30) 2093 - 1825
D-10099 Berlin

Research Interests:

Portrait News & Activities Research seminar Picture

Calendar (for internal use only, please contact Ms. Pahlisch in case of problems)

Junior Research Group "Harmonic analysis on affine G-varieties" headed by former member Dr. Pablo Ramacher.

Members of Junior Research Group:

Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola group leader agricola@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1822 (1.319)
Dr. Richard Cleytonpost doc cleyton@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1818 (1.318)
Mario KassubaPh.D. student (BMS) kassuba@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1436 (1.303)
Dr. Hwajeong Kimassistant hjkim@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1881 (1.317)
Firouz Khezri student (BMS) khezri@mathematik.hu-berlin.de (BMS Lounge, Haus 1)
Dr. Ivan Minchevpost doc minchev@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1818 (1.318)
Dr. Christof Puhlepost doc puhle@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1436 (1.303)
Selman Uguz guest researcher uguz@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 1881 (1.317)

Members of Project A2 (together with Th. Friedrich ) in the SFB 647:

Julia Becker-Bender student beckbend@math.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 5407 (1.409)
Dr. Simon Chiossipost doc sgc@mathematik.hu-berlin.de 2093 - 5407 (1.409)

Questions and comments concerning this page should be addressed per e-mail to

Ilka Agricola / 10.05.2008