$L^2$ best approximation of the elastic stress in the Arnold-Winther FEM (bibtex)
by Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.:L^2 best approximation of the elastic stress in the Arnold-Winther FEM, IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 36, pp. 1096–1119, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {MR3523577,
    AUTHOR = {Carstensen, C. and Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.},
     TITLE = {{$L^2$} best approximation of the elastic stress in the
              {A}rnold-{W}inther {FEM}},
   JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.},
    VOLUME = {36},
      YEAR = {2016},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {1096--1119},
       DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drv051},
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