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Last modified: Thu October 19 2023 - 11:47:04 (CEST)

Computational Partial Differential Equations
(Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen)
WS 2023/24


News [ top ]

General Information [ top ]

The lectures and tutorials are given by Prof. Carstensen.

Knowledge of the contents of the lectures »Grundlagen der Numerischen Mathematik und Optimierung« and »Funktionalanalysis« (also possible if taken in parallel) is required. The accompanying attendance at the Projektpraktium II (programming project) is recommended.


Time Room
Tuesday 15:15-16:45 RUD 25 3.007
Wednesday 13:15-14:45 RUD 26 0.307


Time Room
Tuesday 09:15-10:45 RUD 25 3.007

Materials [ top ]

Links to scripts, papers and other useful materials. Username and password will be provided in the lecture.


Tutorials [ top ]