Seminar Floer homology

  Di 9:15-10:45, RUD25 1.315

Literatur: (1)  Dietmar Salamon: Lectures on Floerhomology
                  (2)  Michéle Audin, Mihai Damian: Morse theory and Floer homology, Springer Universitext


Some of the topics could fill a seminar for a semester (or even a big class). The idea is to get an idea.

22.10.  no talk scheduled, office hours in RUD25, 1.306
29.10.  Michael Rothgang:  Liouville manifolds and Liouville domains
05.11.  Michael Rothgang: Symplectic Homology
12.11.  Shah Faisal:
Moduli spaces of holomorphic spheres, transversality and the image of the evaluation map
19.11.  Shah Faisal: Novikov Rings and Floer homology  for non-aspherical symplectic manifolds
26.11.  Shah Faisal: Novikov Rings and Floer homology  for non-aspherical symplectic manifolds
 2.12.   Milica Dukic:  Ring structure of Floer homology: the pair-of-pants product and the quantum cup product.
 9.12.   Milica Dukic:  Ring structure of Floer homology: the pair-of-pants product and the quantum cup product.
16.12.  Milica Dukic:  Ring structure of Floer homology: the pair-of-pants product and the quantum cup product.
14.1.    Alexander Fauck:  Applications of Symplectic Homology
21.1.    Alexander Fauck: Applications of Symplectic Homology

assigned topics for talk (dates to be fixed)
Klaus Mohnke: Gluing Theorems


Possible topics are

- Gluing theorems
- Arnold Conjecture for the degenerate cases
- Symplectic homology of Liouville/Weinstein domains
- Lagrangian Floer homology
- Applications: Group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, Weinstein structures,

last changes: Wed, 17.1.20, 14:20