Fachschaft Mathematik HU Berlin

FAQ study begin

If you still have questions that won't leave your mind, you'll find the answers of the most asked questions here.

"What exactly do I have to consider when creating the timetable?"

Combined bachelor's degree

Combined bachelor students with mathematics as a core subject take the courses Analysis I and Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry I in the 1st semester. Students with mathematics as a second subject take the course Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry I in the 1st semester. Attention: There are two analogous courses that are marked with an asterisk (*). These courses are designed to be a little more demanding and are intended for monobachelor students. If you want, you can also attend these courses, but you should point this out to the professor at the beginning of the semester. In addition, you have a second or core subject. Of course, you have to find out about the courses you have to take there from the relevant institute.

If you have overlapping courses in the core and secondary subjects, the following generally applies: the core subject comes first! If you decide to neglect courses from the core subject, it will be very difficult to complete the bachelor's degree in 6 semesters of study time. In the second subject there is less to do overall, which means that there is more opportunity to catch up during your studies.


Students aiming for a mono-bachelor's degree take the Analysis I* and Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry I* courses in the first semester. Attention: In both courses there is a second course in the same semester without an asterisk (*). The course without is designed to be a little simpler and is intended for combined bachelor students. content is taught in the course with asterisk that is important for the further courses (e.g. Analysis III). These are then only offered at * level, so it is advisable to attend the * courses right from the start. In addition, 10 study points should already be collected in the compulsory elective courses in the first semester. What is the compulsory elective courses? Check below!

"Which courses can I get credit for in the compulsory elective area?"

Every mono-bachelor should attend other courses from other studies in addition to his mathematics studies. To promote general education, so to speak, to train social and language skills and to get a taste of other subjects. You can attend everything that is offered by other courses for the ÜWP (compusory elective courses). The exact modalities result from the respective study and examination regulations. You can also have language courses credited to you. This link takes you to the current offer of the University Language Center.

You can also attend courses such as conflict management or the ability to cooperate. This link takes you to the Career Center website.

Another option is to do an internship. However, this must consist of at least four weeks of full-time employment.

It should not be forgotten that your involvement in university committees such as the student council, the student parliament or the peer mentoring program is also credited up to a certain value.

"How high are the semester fees/tuition fees for you and how does the BAFöG work?"

You currently pay a semester fee of around 315 euros per semester, and there are no tuition fees at Humboldt University (yet). This already includes the fee for the semester ticket (tariff zones ABC for 6 months including bicycle). The Studierendenwerk Berlin is available for BAFöG advice. Find out there about the permit and applications.
