CCS_ Adlershof


Fluctuation-induced phenomena the interface between atoms, photons and solids

13. Nov. 2013 CCSA–Vortrag:

Sprecher: Dr. Francesco Intravaia
Ort: Gerthsen lecture hall (1 201) of the HU physics building
Beginn: 15:30

Dr. Francesco Intravaia is visiting the Theoretical Optics & Photonics group with a Humboldt scholarship. He is a very well-known expert in the theory of fluctuation-induced interactions and will be sharing his insights in the framework of a lecture series consisting of four lectures, each about 45 minutes followed discussions.

Equilibrium and non equilibrium fluctuation-induced interactions between solids

06. Nov. 2013 CCSA–Vortrag:

Sprecher: Dr. Francesco Intravaia
Ort: Gerthsen lecture hall (1 201) of the HU physics building
Beginn: 15:30

Dr. Francesco Intravaia is visiting the Theoretical Optics & Photonics group with a Humboldt scholarship. He is a very well-known expert in the theory of fluctuation-induced interactions and will be sharing his insights in the framework of a lecture series consisting of four lectures, each about 45 minutes followed discussions.

Low Frequency Electromagnetic Scattering

23. Okt. 2013 CCSA–Vortrag:

Sprecher: Dr. L. Weggler \
Ort: Humboldt-Kabinett, Rudower Chaussee 25 \
Beginn: 15:15Ende: 16:00

The numerical solution for the electric field integral equation by a Galerkin Method becomes inaccurate in the frequency range where the largest dimension of the surface is much smaller than a wavelength. This problem is commonly known as the low frequency breakdown. In praxis, this means that the condition number of the system matrix explodes with both iterative and direct solvers failing. One category of stabilization techniques is related to the continuity equation. In this talk, the so-called CE stabilization is analysed and theoretical considerations are confirmed by numerical examples.

Multiphysical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Flow

23. Okt. 2013 CCSA–Vortrag:

Sprecher: Prof. Dr. C. Tischendorf
Ort: Humboldt-Kabinett, Rudower Chaussee 25
Beginn: 16:30Ende: 17:30

We discuss a multiphysical modeling of electric networks, gas and water distribution networks as well as blood circuits. Depending on the network topology and the modeling level, we obtain a system of differential equations, differential algebraic equations, partial differential equations or couplings thereof. We present qualitative and structural properties of these systems and their effects onto the numerical simulation. In particular, we will show that the numerical results do not only depend on the type of the differential equation system and the choice of the numerical method but also significantly on the model formulation. Finally, we address problems to be solved for a successful and robust simulation of such systems concerning linear solvers, nonlinear solvers, numerical methods and the automatic generation of the model equations.



Ort: Humboldt-Kabinett, Rudower Chaussee 25
Beginn: 14:15Ende: 15:00